We have that part

Lowest prices. Biggest selection.

We have an inventory of over 5 million commercial kitchen OEM parts from top manufacturers.

Need help finding a part?

Our experts are here to assist. They can help you find what you're looking for, advise you on the best part for your situation, or offer alternatives for those hard-to-find parts.

Need help finding a part?

Our experts are here to assist. They can help you find what you're looking for, advise you on the best part for your situation, or offer alternatives for those hard-to-find parts.

Our 360˚ promise

The food industry never slows down and neither do we. We have your commercial kitchen covered from parts to service and equipment installations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Our customers love us. And we think you will, too.


Ordering and buying parts used to be a hassle. Between makes, models, and distributors, finding exactly what you needed and having it shipped to you on time was nearly impossible. CPS has been supplying OEM parts and delivering premier service for commercial kitchen equipment since 1972.

As one of only 33 CFESA Certified Companies in the world, we provide the best restaurant cooking equipment support available anywhere. All you have to do is know what manufacturer you need, what model you have, and what part you want and we’ll find it for you. It really is that simple.

Our Part Finder system makes finding and ordering OEM replacement parts online just as easy by letting you checkout once you’ve found your part. We designed our system to go seamlessly from finding your part to ordering it because we know how valuable your time is.

With oven parts, range parts, broiler parts, steamer parts, grill parts, microwave parts, food processor parts, fryer parts, ice machine parts, food warmer parts, commercial refrigerator parts, or commercial freezer parts, CPS is has the OEM parts you need. Try out our Part Finder and order your parts today.